Saturday, 9 January 2010


she is now 9 months old and has just come into season, we have bought her a pair of those doggy knickers which she wears when she goes to bed, our bed that is, she has decided that she wants all of our creature comforts which includes our heated water bed, we don't think we will breed from her and we'll probably have her spayed before she next comes into season,


swatson said...

what a little darling and enjoying all the pampering......

denzil said...

hi sheila, she is certainly spoiled, we have never known a dog like her, we were wondering if all yorkies are the same,

ShySongbird said...

She really is lovely Denis, I had no idea there was such a thing as doggy knickers! I wish I had known about those when we had our Cavaliers, they were all females.

Hope you spotted my comment on the last post, sorry it was so late!

denzil said...

thanks jan, yes i saw your comment, sometimes there doesn't seem to be enough hours in the day, i don't know how long they've been on the market but they do work, and she doesn't seem to mind them.

karen said...

Hi denis x Missy is looking beautiful, and very content!! bless her. Ive never heard of the doggy knickers either!! You learn something new every day!! Hope you are well xxx

denzil said...

thanks karen all ok here

Anonymous said...

Blimey 9 month Dezil time flies, she looks a real darling

denzil said...

thanks geordie, she's a gem

Unseen India Tours said...

She is so beautiful !!

denzil said...

thank you, even on the inside.

Jayne said...

Just found a dew minutes to look at the blogs and what a little darling she is Denis. I cannot tell you how much we are missing our beloved Charley dog, we have looked at filling the hole in our souls with a Cavachon. That's a bichon (Charleys breed) and a cavalier King Charles, the bichon Mom has only just been put to the cavalier Dog so we're hoping the business has been done so to speak. We chose this breed because we don't want Chaz to think he's being replaced


denzil said...

hi jayne, it's always a sad time when your pet passes away, it has happened to us several times, and you think ( that's it, no more ) but you, like us, love our dogs or cats,and our world just wouldn't be the same without them, my advice jayne, ( for what it's worth )is to go and get yourselves another little soulmate and shower him or her with as much love and affection as you did your beloved little charlie dog.
