while relaxing in the garden this morning, i spotted a baby bluetit coming out of the nest box, i rushed in for the camera and took a picture of it walking on the roof of the garage, a few seconds later it flew away, got a photo of mr blackbird and also one of the little ones.
exciting times with the Blue Tits leaving the box :)
Oh how lovely Denis xx To see a baby leaving the nest must be amazing!! Lucky you. And lovely pics of Mr Blackie and baby Blackie xxxx Hope youre all well xxx
yeah, they really do work hard, a first for me karen, waited for a whole hour afterwards but didn't see anymore, must have caught the last one leaving.
What a lovely experience for you, Denis! I spent some time, recently hoping to get photos of a Blue Tit going in and out of its nest in the hole of a tree trunk. It was much too fast for me and of course that is when a tripod would definitely have been beneficial :) Lovely photos of the Blackbirds too, such a nice time of year with all the new life.
I was certain I had commented on your post with the lovely photos of the Blue Tits and the nest box! I have had all sorts of trouble with blogger and google, for some time now and many times have not been allowed to leave comments so it could have been one of those occasions.
I am also very confused by the fact that I was sure you had a post here recently about all your lovely dogs but now it seems to have gone! Please tell me I didn't dream it...if I did, break it to me gently :)
hi jan, thanks for your comment, and no, you didn't dream it, i deleted it by mistake, don't want to put it on again after people have been so kind to comment on it once, so i will leave it a little while before i post them on again.
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